With Step-By-Step Guidance From This Gal.png

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Backed by 5 years of personal experience and proven success within the influencer industry, this E-Course will be the #1 step-by-step guide for both aspiring and current influencers to create & grow their own blog easily, efficiently, and correctly.


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How to set up domain name

How to set up a self-hosted blog on Wordpress

Creating self-hosted platform account on WP Engine

How to migrate existing content to Wordpress/WP Engine

Wordpress dashboard tutorial

Logo & favicon development

Set up blog business accounts on social media & Gmail

Understanding Google Analytics & business profile Insights

Newsletter email list set-up

Affiliate marketing & monetization

Best ways to promote blog posts

Importance of joining influencer groups

How to increase pageviews & grow an authentic engagement

Building a strong media kit

Determining what price to charge per sponsored post(s)

Influencer marketing & brand partnership platforms

How to pitch to brands & land sponsored opportunities


Unlike many blogging e-courses out there, this course will be teaching you how to create and grow your blog step-by-step. I will be with you every step of the way, assisting you when help is needed, showing how to set up & strategize your blog rather than offering vague written explanations. I had to teach myself how to do everything on my own, so I have an understanding of how frustrating it is to start & grow a blog not knowing where to begin.

That's why I want this e-course to be that golden ticket opportunity to get your foot in the door, to be that guiding resource I wish I had available for myself when I started blogging. 5 years of figuring this all out on my own has allowed me to determine what works, what doesn't and most importantly, what's most efficient when growing your blog into a profitable business.

I'm a "been there, tried that, and succeeded here" blogger whose about to spill ALL her secrets & steps taken that ultimately allowed me to turn my online hobby into my full-time career by the age of 26! Passion and determination drives results; so if you got what it takes, I have no doubt you'll find success on the path to building your own brand as a business.


If you want statistical proof that I've succeeded with my career as an influencer...

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As Seen On W: Logos.png




But the REAL REASON why I'm the perfect person to teach you is because...

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Starting a blog had originally began as a 2-year 'research' project before I physically decided to do it. The delay of its creation stemmed from having 1) no idea how to apply my research into something digitally constructive, and 2) apprehension over how successful it would end up being.

I had no idea what to do in order to get my blog discovered & struggled to find out what "secrets" those big name bloggers of the time were applying to get themselves noticed. Yet I found myself hungry for that knowledge and was determined to figure it out so I could apply it to my own content strategy and see how far it would take me.

After 5 years of endless research, personally tried & proven growth tactics, and reaching a combined following of over 100,000 with a daily variety of sponsored opportunities delivered to my inbox...

I finally figured out the perfect 'Recipe of Success' that has allowed me to run my blog as a full-time business, while living in New York City, and already at the age of 26-years-young!


Celebrating the moment when you land your first or largest sponsored partnership.

Over time, you begin to see an increase in revenue from your blog, which soon begins to exceed your 9-5 salary! All of a sudden you're in a place of financial stability where you can take your blog & run with it as a profitable, professional business! Next you're putting in your 2-weeks notice and embarking on a life-changing journey of entrepreneurship you will never look back from.

[It's not crazy to imagine, because this happened to me...!]

You have developed & designed your blog to reflect your passion with a professional position. You feel confident because you've learned how to set up and market yourself & your brand right from the start, and understand how to navigate this creative space.

Every time you sign a brand partnership contract for a sponsored opportunity, you run around the house (or apartment) cheering with delight, because you're doing it! You're blogging as a business and making it WORK!

You're a self-employed master of your craft.

So give the universe a fist pump, send a prayer of gratitude, and hug your pet or closest person to you.

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